Signal 3010 MiniFID PURE portable heated FID
VOC monitoring system

The 3010 MINIFID PURE is perfect for stack testing. It has been designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. With no microprocessor this analyser has been stripped down to the essentials to make it robust and reliable, ready for the rigors of going out on site.
The 3010 MINIFID is a small, self contained, and fully portable analyser. It is equally convenient for use on the laboratory bench or as a portable on-site measurement tool. The 3010 comes with a 5m heated sample line and built-in controller as standard. Manual operation without microprocessor control. Bottle rack may be detached for use with standard, full sized gas cylinders.
Key Benefits:
*Fast speed of Response
*Fully heated to 191°C
*Built-in catalytic air purifier for internal burner and zero air generation
*Built-in datalogger
*0-10ppm to 10,000 ppm (4 ranges)
*High Range option 0-10%
*110Vac 50/60 Hz OR 220Vac 50/60Hz
*Built in Heated Line Controller (5m or 10m line option)
*Optional Pelican carry case
*2 year warranty
*Solvent incineration and absorption
*Coating applications, paint spray booths etc.
*Gas Turbines